Things That Feel Like Home

Things are delightfully busy here! In addition to my normal painting regimen, I’m trying to really focus on collaborations this season. For a long time, I’ve painted from others’ photos or writing, but I’ve had the chance to expand that pretty wildly in recent months.  

Of course, the collaboration that’s closest to heart and home is with my dear daughter. She bought the little easel to the left with proceeds from her own print sales. I have to borrow it from her when I go out to paint in public. Fortunately, she’s quite gracious with her loaning policy. I know the shot below is fuzzy, but it’s the best my cameras can do inside this house.  She and I have been painting side by side a little every morning recently and it’s just lovely! “Mommy, can I have some David Bowie?”

“Yes, dear. Yes you can”.ClineandDaughter

Another wonderful, exciting collaboration I’m into these days is with Wendel Werner, a wonderful, gracious, and incredibly talented local musician.  We just finished up our second engagement at The Red Piano on Friday night. It was a blast and we’re definitely going to schedule another evening together!


Short video clip from the performance (YouTube)

This is the completed piece from that evening.


Things Happen All At Once

I’ve also been most graciously invited to hang my work on the walls again at The Red Piano for the month of March. These people are really too kind to me!

This is getting long so I’ll leave it here. I have more collaborations and .news to share, but I’ll save some of that for later.

If you missed it yesterday, here’s a link to the spot on me in the Knoxville News Sentinel that ran 2/28/16

Interview in Knoxville News Sentinel

Onward and upward, Dear friends!

As always, with love


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7 Responses to Things That Feel Like Home

  1. kaylar says:

    ❤ (and love seeing the easels together)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Zakiah says:

    What a wonderful memory you are creating for your daughter, letting her work by your side. She is going to be a great artist too. Beautiful work, Starr!

    Liked by 2 people

    • oceanstarr says:

      I am trying to teach her all my best tricks right out of the gate 🙂 It’s a joy for both of us – whether we’re trying to make serious art or just playing around. I’m so grateful for her as a daughter and friend.


  3. That looks like an imaginative and blissful show!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. j.e.glaze says:

    your work is gathering some … nuances, depth, range …. some new aesthetics that speak to me. you’re using colors in a new way. 🙂 I like.


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